Sven Bennühr & Robert Kümmerlen
Countless innovations, impressive stands, droves of visitors: The relaunch of transport logistic in its first post-pandemic year was more than successful. And: Despite the anything but easy general conditions for the industry, the activity in the aisles of the exhibition halls was characterized by an optimistic mood. Added to this was the desire to exchange ideas in detail in person after the four-year break, as well as to bring one’s own knowledge base up to date again by attending the specialist conferences and panel events in the conference program.
The number of visitors to transport logistic 2019 had already been exceeded one day before everything ended. „It‘s been a record trade fair,“ says a delighted Robert Schönberger, Head of transport logistic exhibitions. Full aisles, very well-attended stands and the best mood among exhibitors and visitors alike characterised the impression in the exhibition halls. There was also a lot going on in the outdoor area, despite the occasionally rainy weather. The impressive exhibits there did not fail to attract visitors. Wherever you looked, lively networking prevailed.

For the organisers of transport logistic, this is cause for great joy. „In my wildest dreams I would never have believed that we would be able to put on another transport logistic like this after this difficult time,“ says Caroline Thiemt, Exhibition Director. „My heart beats faster at the fair.“ The success could not have been expected, she says, because when the preparations for the fair began two years ago, there was still a lot of uncertainty. The exhibition could have been smaller – but that didn‘t happen. „It‘s great that actually ten halls are full again, and even fuller than last time,“ says Schönberger. Particularly pleasing: many new exhibitors from abroad came to Munich. (ben/rok)
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